本申请所附材料清单(注意文件命名清晰明确) |
List of Materials Attached to this Application(note that the file should be named clearly) |
序号 | 附件名称 |
SN | Name of attachment |
1 | 营业执照或事业单位、社会团体登记证书复印件(命名方式为:单位名称+营业执照/登记证书) |
Copy of business license or registration certificate of public institution or social organization (naming method: organization name + business license/registration certificate) |
2 | 法定代表人身份证复印件(加盖申请单位公章) |
Copy of the ID card of the legal representative (with the official seal of the applicant) |
3 | 上一年度财务审计报告(需提交经深圳市注册会计师协会备案的含有防伪标识封面的审计报告)或通过审查的事业单位财务决算报表复印件(注册未满一年的可提供验资报告) |
Financial audit report of the previous year (the audit report with anti-counterfeiting logo cover filed by Shenzhen Institute of Certified Public Accountants must be submitted) or a copy of the financial statement of the public institution that has passed the review (capital verification report can be provided if the organization is registered for less than one year) |
4 | 税务部门提供的单位上年度完税证明复印件(非事业单位提供) |
Copy of the tax payment certificate of the previous year provided by the tax authority (provided by non-public institutions) |
5 | 项目可行性研究报告。(项目计划书)(必填项) |
Project feasibility study report (Project plan) (required) |
6 | 引才安全风险评估报告原件。(必填项) |
Original of safety risk assessment report for talent introduction (required) |
7 | 团队成员身份证、护照、绿卡等身份证件,多个文件合成一个压缩包。(必填项) |
Team members’ ID cards, passports, green cards and other identity documents. Multiple files are compressed into a package. (required) |
8 | 团队成员最高学历学位证书,多个文件合成一个压缩包。(必填项) |
The highest academic degree certificate of team members. Multiple files are compressed into a package. (required) |
9 | 团队成员与申请单位签订的劳动合同或意向性聘用合同,多个文件合成一个压缩包。(必填项) |
Labor contract or intentional employment contract signed by the team members and the applicant. Multiple files are compressed into a package. (required) |
10 | 团队成员引进条件证明材料复印件(参照指南办理条件要求),包括工作学习经历证明(劳动合同、人事关系、社保记录、在职证明、离职证明、外国人工作签证、学历证明等)、获得人才奖项或已验收结题的重大项目证明(两院院士、国家重点人才引进工程、国家杰出青年、重点研发计划、重大专项等证明文件)、产业研发经验证明(企业工作经历、负责研发的项目及产品等)。多个文件合成一个压缩包。(必填项) |
Copies of the certification materials for the introduction of the team members (refer to the guide for handling conditions), including certificate of work and study experience (labor contract, human relations, social insurance records, on-the-job certificate, resignation certificate, work visa of foreigner, education certificate), and certificate of talent award or a major project that has been accepted and concluded (certificates of academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, national key talent introduction project, national outstanding youth, key research and development plan, and major special project), industrial R&D experience certification (working experience, enterprise R&D project, developed product, etc.) . Multiple files are compressed into a package. (required) |
11 | 团队成员间合作2年以上证明材料复印件,包括共同发表论文的首页、共同发明专利的证书、共同参与项目的任务书、共事证明等,证明材料上注明相关成员姓名。多个文件合成一个压缩包。(必填项) |
Copies of documents certifying the cooperation between team members for more than 2 years, including the first page of the jointly published paper, the certificate of the joint invention patent, the task statement of the jointly participated project, and the certificate of cooperation, with the names of the relevant members being indicated on the documents. Multiple files are compressed into a package. (required) |
12 | 团队科技成果证明材料复印件,包括代表性科技奖励、科研项目、论文、著作、专利、新产品研发等。多个文件合成一个压缩包。(必填项) |
Copies of the team's scientific and technological achievements, including representative scientific and technological awards, scientific research projects, papers, works, patents, and new product development. Multiple files are compressed into a package. (required) |
13 | 项目涉及科研伦理和科技安全的,提供国家有关法律规范和伦理准则要求的批准或备案文件复印件。多个文件合成一个压缩包。(可选项) |
If the project involves scientific research ethics and technological safety, a copy of the approval or filing documents required by the relevant national laws and ethical guidelines shall be provided. Multiple files are compressed into a package. (optional) |
14 | 其他相关材料复印件,例如依托单位科研条件证明、融资证明、技术产品检测报告等。多个文件合成一个压缩包。(可选项) |
Copies of other relevant materials, such as the scientific research condition certificate of the supporting organization, the financing certificate, and the technical product test report. Multiple files are compressed into a package. (optional) |
15 | 科研诚信承诺书原件。(必填项) |
Research integrity commitment. (required) |
16 | 产业链下游主要企业(产品客户)对团队技术的定性评估或定量测试、投入或参与项目研发等佐证材料。(必填项) |
Qualitative assessment or quantitative test of team technology by main enterprises (product clients) from the downstream of the industry chain, investment or participation of downstream enterprises of the industry chain, etc. (required) |